Why Every Business Owner Should Publish Their Own Book

strategy Jan 04, 2024

As a business owner, you are likely good at something that solves a problem for someone. On that basis alone, you have the makings of a non-fiction book!

Publishing a book can become a powerful part of your business growth strategy.

  • Instant credibility and thought leadership. Before our customers do business with us, they need to feel like we know what we are talking about. Being a published author on your area of specialty demonstrates you are the right person to handle their business.
  • Connection with new customers. A book is a way for an entirely new audience to learn about you and your business.
  • Lead Magnet. A book is a compelling lead capture incentive. It’s an effective way to target your ideal customer and get them into your sales funnel.
  • Boost Your Brand Visibility. Your book is an opportunity to share your values, your mission and your why. It’s another way to create a touchpoint with the right audience.
  • Promotion. When you publish a book, you become attractive as a guest on podcasts or other media channels. This provides you a unique opportunity to promote your business and even create “show specific” offers.
  • One big business card. Instead of ending up lost in a heap, your book is the best business card you will ever hand out.

Wondering where to Start?

You don’t have to be a “writer” to write a book. You just need the right step-by-step guidance and an hour a day for 30 days. Learn more at https://www.timetothriveinbusiness.com/write-to-thrive.

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